Hello! My name is Kuba, I'm video game programmer from Łódź, Poland.
You can reach me on twitter: -> visit my twitter <-
You can check some of my games: -> visit my itch.io homepage <-
You can send me e-postcard. My address is [my_name][at]superhotgame.com
I also make music! And recently we even made a music video!
Enjoy! (me on the left)
PS. Last time I had to write HTML by hand was 12 years ago in high school, my teacher would finally be proud of me now.
PS2. Only now I understood that stands for 'Non-Breaking SPace'. I wish someone told me that when I needed to remember it.
This is link to Spotify playlist containing my favourite songs:
-> Kuba's favourite songs <-
Sorting by recent recommended.
I once made some art, that later got auctioned for charity purposes.
Yes, those stupid doodles actually helped homeless animals!
Can you believe it!?
Videogame I was working on that I'm most proud of?
Time moves only when you move first person shooter.
I always wanted to learn 3D modelling, but never had patience.
Furthest I got was making this bit of Dragon Ball fan art using Wings3D.
Some random .gifs and youtube videos of my personal projects
I will probably turn that into proper gallery soon:
I'm spending too much time working on this personal space. Send help.
// TODO: add some cool links, images, .gifs, midis etc. from interweb